In 8 short weeks the youth of Alpine will be heading out on their annual Youth Mission trip.  This is an important time when over a dozen high school youth from our congregation will spend a week at a work camp.  One of the best explanations as to why this trip is so valuable was a description one of our youth gave several years ago;

“This is the one week out of the year when I slow down and put time into my relationship with God.  Throughout the year it is so hard for me to feel connected to God.  I sometimes feel like I fill up on the Holy Spirit this week, so that I can survive the year ahead at school.”

During our trip we spend each day of the week fixing up a house of a total stranger and each evening connecting to God in worship, small groups, Bible discussions, and prayer.  Because we are taking a break from our everyday lives and routines (that seem to dominate and define who we are) and are freed from expectations, requirements, responsibilities, and burdens for the week – our lives are opened to God.  God is able to enter in and define, shape, and mold us according to God’s perfect love and grace. A huge part of this week is to take our eyes off ourselves and focus on others.  This is so important to do because we rarely realize how self-absorbed we are as people.

So much of our lives are centered on us and our own wish/life fulfillment agendas that we barely have room for God anymore.  This is probably the biggest fruit that results every year for our work campers.  Spending all day doing something that simply serves a total stranger, then returning back for an evening of worship, praise, and learning truths about God serves as a massive jolt of energy and growth into our relationships with God.  For a short time, it is so much easier to see God moving in our lives and to know and feel the depth of God’s love not just for us, but for the whole world.  It is a week I look forward to each and every year.

This year however we need your help.  Right now we need one more adult (age 25 or over) to help drive a minivan and participate in mentoring youth during this week.  No experience is necessary.  It is a week when your life will be touched and changed.  A week when you have the opportunity to connect with God alongside the youth of our church.  If you are interested, please contact Pr. Dan via the church office.  815-399-5013  The trip is Saturday June 24th to Sunday July 1.  Please pray and ask God if this might be just what you need.



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