Thanksgiving and Stewardship Go Together

             Perhaps the most American of holidays is the Day of Thanksgiving.  Celebrated as a harvest festival, giving thanks to God for our blessings, the fourth Thursday in November (usually) has been set aside since the time of Abraham Lincoln as a festival day.  Folklore recalls a small harvest shared by early Pilgrims and Native Americans gathering to share a harvest meal together. It has become an important occasion for families to come together and celebrate their thankfulness.  Yes, in spite of any heartaches, we have much to be thankful for.

Alpine Church and Academy will celebrate Thanksgiving together on Tuesday, Nov. 21, with a worship service at 11:15, followed by a wonderful Thanksgiving meal in the fellowship hall.  All are invited to attend both events.

The season of thankfulness also invites our attention to stewardship for the coming year.  We are blessed to be a blessing.  Over the next few weeks we will raise up the importance of giving our time, talent, and treasure to the work of the Lord through the church.  While Commitment Sunday normally occurs in late November, it will take place this year on December 10, when our Interim Pastor is in place.  More details will be given soon, but the idea this year is to “Make It Simple,” challenging each of us to give an extra 1% from our percentage giving this year.  For example, if you have been giving 5% of your income this year, consider giving 6% next year.  Please look for more information soon from the committee.

Finally, I want to say that I have enjoyed being “back in the saddle” for these six weeks until Pastor Don Wick joins us on December 1.  Thank you for your kind words of appreciation and friendship, and for sharing a laugh with me about “un-retiring” for the umpteenth time!



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