Great Women of Faith


Throughout this past summer, our worship theme has focused on women in the Bible.  What we have discovered is a treasure trove of wondrous faith stories that have both inspired us and gifted us a demonstration of faith practices to follow.  We have witnessed the courage of Esther, the selflessness of Abigail, the commitment of Hannah, the wisdom of Sarah, the trust of Mary and her sister Martha, and the gratitude of many other women as they each expressed their faith in a multitude of ways.  Alongside these great testimonies here are some of the Faith practices and Biblical Truths that we have discovered:


  • Living in God’s promises changes us. It allows us to live in an ugly world, yet still love unconditionally.
  • Ok God, not my way but your way
  • Hannah lives in trauma, God sees this. We need to see and acknowledge the suffering of people around us.
  • In her weakness, Hannah looks to God for strength, self-worth, and purpose in life.
  • Hannah accepts God’s movement in her life on God’s terms not her own.
  • Abigail demonstrates her faith by doing the right thing regardless of the cost to herself.
  • Abigail is faithful even when God does not rescue her form her circumstances.
  • In exercising her faith Abigail becomes a peacemaker. A tool of unprecedented value in God’s hands.
  • The faith of Mary & Martha leads them to throwing away their masks and allowing their real selves to be present in their relationship with Jesus.
  • The faith of Mary & Martha lead them to find incredible ways to give thanks to God in their attitudes, words, and deeds.
  • A saving faith loves boldly and costly.
  • Love in a way that builds others up, not diminishes them. We must teach others to love this way.
  • When you are desperate – Turn to Jesus. For He is the best place for our hope to reside.
  • Let you faith be seen by others.
  • When you turn to Jesus – Jesus will bring healing, but not so that you can go back to leading a selfish life that will bring about destruction once again.
  • Our Faith gets stronger as we gain intimate experiences with Jesus.
  • Our Faith Journey often takes us to places we do not want to go. Yet we are never alone.
  • Jesus takes ordinary stuff and makes it extraordinary.


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