Jesus Has Risen!  He Has Risen Indeed, Alleluia!  Easter Season at Alpine is winding down and though the church season is ending, Easter itself never ends.  This is because:

  1. We continue to live out the miracle of Easter as resurrection power is unleashed in our lives.
  2. We see how the truth of God’s word continues to transform us into the people God created us to be.
  3. There is also no end or limit to what God can do in and around us!

Indeed, one of the most enduring truths that we encountered this past Easter is that God is not done yet.  There is more that God desires to accomplish both in and around and throughout our lives.

Here are some of the other Take-Aways that we have encountered during our Easter Worship series:

  • Everyone is welcome at the table, even those who betray us.
  • When it hurts too much to believe anymore…encountering Jesus is the way forward.
  • “I have seen the Lord” gives witness to the fact that there is another way of being in the world — a way of being that is shaped by resurrection, that embodies anything and everything that is life-giving
  • Jesus provides the 2 things Peter needs most. A sense of belonging and purpose
  • Jesus has freed his disciples and gifted them new life. He sticks around so that he can continue to form them – for a life centered around mission.
  • Nothing and no one can take us away from God.
  • When it is tough to hear or see God:
  1. Keep praising & talking to God
  2. Remove obstacles
  3. Take your eyes off yourself.
  • When you experience betrayal – Choose responses that communicate love and acceptance… even if you don’t feel it.
  • Choose God’s love for you to be the foundation that you build your life, your identity, and your relationships on.
  • Following the words of Jesus leads us to discovering who we truly are
  • The peace given through the Holy Spirit allows us to live out the final commandment Jesus gives to his disciples: to love one another as he has loved us.
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